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Nanaimo Fairy Cakes

3922 Corunna Avenue, Nanaimo , British Columbia V9T 1W5


Food Bakery

3922 Corunna Avenue,
Nanaimo, British Columbia
V9T 1W5

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+1 250-619-2728

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Ratings & Reviews

(5 / 5) based on 2 reviews

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  • Great experience designing our cake with the owner, looked fantastic and tasted great! It was a complete show stopper at our event!
    By A Google User, May 08, 2017
  • Thank you so much for all your hard work Sarah, our wedding cake was truley inspirational!
    By A Google User, January 04, 2017
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About Nanaimo Fairy Cakes in Nanaimo

Nanaimo Fairy Cakes is a food and bakery in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Nanaimo Fairy Cakes is located at 3922 Corunna Avenue.

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